
China ZhuJia soared as the role of foreign capital what?

"Goldman sachs keep of pig fast market, about some of the pork things will happen......." A few days ago, a people in the media industry in making such information, let a person have to ZhuJia China soaring cause much a few minutes of capital guess. "This round of inflation real peaked in hand, Goldman sachs schedule operation because you said in May see top, Goldman sachs CPI right pig nets a month rose 60% in July, you said peaked in July, high event the food price rises of 60%." Goldman sachs is this energy, can control the pork price trend in China? To this, observers say, recent domestic pork fierce price is one of the Goldman sachs processing, Goldman sachs control the Chinese pork 22% of the market (the 22% of the data is analysts at Goldman sachs said). Although we have not evidence, ZhuJia has soared, Goldman sachs and other foreign to blame, but Goldman sachs have the capability to do so. Enter the new century,MLB hats Goldman sachs investment has a special liking to China's pig industry. And in the live pig industry chain in investment, it is obviously a the profit. 2004 to 2006 Goldman sachs investment in two of the Chinese meat product industry leading enterprises remit-development and the rain embellish food two enterprises have reported the performance does not poor-on pigs boom of the 2008 rises suddenly, two enterprises year profit growth of more than 20% and 30% respectively. In September 2008, Goldman sachs and $2 to $300 million, in pig-producing the key area of hunan, fujian breath wholly owned acquired more than ten professional pigs factory "Goldman sachs pigs" events in various media exposure. On the surface, Goldman sachs though not into China pig industry chain, but don't ignore the breeding the heaviest if provenance, and the fine pigs they would not provide is independent of the company and its, this is the key to the problem. Be worth what carry is, the Chinese "pig boss" foreign line, not just a Goldman sachs, deutsche bank in recent years also started mass layout the swine industry of China. In August 2008, deutsche bank transfers $60 million, for Shanghai HongBo group company shares 30% pig farm. At the same time, the group also inject $60 million in recent years in development in tianjin momentum fierce treasure dean agriculture industry group. In 2010, deutsche bank facing the global issue the "virtuous silver DWS universal shen nong fund, the fund will invest positioning in food industry chain of agricultural products mainly on each link different enterprise, among them, quite part of their money to China, China agricultural market is there is a tremendous opportunity. Businessmen for wealth, capitalist beneficiaries, broad market is foreign capital into China's pig industry of premise. And investment but is always the vane of industry development, the concept is foreign capital of old hype technique, also is the international financial capital unusual discretion. However, more and more foreign capital has the strength, especially transnational companies have extended its reach and China's pig industry, whether the Chinese have a unique to the field of sense and ultimately a "colony"? Of course, let us more concerned about whether a large foreign capital in China to domestic pork market pig breeding form monopoly, and pork prices around. From then on round the pork price, we can see, foreign capital indeed play an important role. Because in the full understanding of or master the domestic pork market structure and almost all market information, under the premise of they can always live pig market in China spot and futures market operation on a large scale, and decided to domestic pork prices is heading, can even against the government of the market price control. Pork prices in China's current a hot issue. This year China ZhuJia soared present two characteristics: one is or outstanding, far more than the food products as breeding upstream; Two is more than a year to ZhuJia always remain high, did not appear people expected back periodically. "ZhuJia brought up a" phenomenon. On the one hand reflects China's agriculture and the weak link of deep contradictions, but on the other hand, and foreign capital into China's pig industry mass was related. Just think, if once these with equity way into the foreign investment,NBA hats in the development of the Chinese economy to cash out very period, China's pig industry is the original ecological industry chain will be what look like? Breeding is relatively backward and sporadic retail investors to lack of funds, how to resist capital strong foreign investment? What is China's foreign investment industry pig breeding in the new breakthrough, or merely a and other investment projects similar investment new hot spot? It is really worth our thinking. Of course, in the short term, China's pig industry is still don't have chanted "Wolf", because both the industry and the characteristics of low concentration of the large size of the market, make foreign investment in production source cannot achieve monopoly. But, for foreign capital to control China's pig industry behavior also can't sitting idly by, the government needs in the total amount of the proper control. Once the swine industry or downstream foreign gradually control, pork prices will surely are underlings.

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