
Hualian Holdings will become the largest manufacturer of PTA

Hualian Holdings will become the largest manufacturer of PTA

10 25, Hualian Holdings (000036) correction notice published results expected substantial increase of about 2050% net profit compared with the same period last year, a year earlier performance in net profit of 6.25 million yuan, earnings per share: 0.0139 yuan. Zhejiang Hualian Sunshine Petrochemical Co., Ltd., the company's two 600,000 tons of purified terephthalic acid (PTA) project successful commissioning test. The results of the huge growth in Hualian Holdings from textile and garment mainly to the new petrochemical materials (PTA) After nearly three years of efforts, supplemented by the transfer of the real estate industry layout. The company also announced that, after the two put into operation, the Hualian Sunshine Petrochemical the two PTA plant with an annual output capacity of 1.2 million tons, and planned expansion and reconstruction project construction and technological transformation of the device, developed into China's largest PTA production base, a project sales of real estate Shenzhen Hualian urban forests Garden

domestic polyester as raw material to produce polyester fibers in synthetic fibers, the total output of more than 80% of the proportion,Computers & Internet. The PTA is the raw material of the polyester, polyester (PET) is a raw material of polyester. Chemical fiber in 80% polyester, chemical fiber, accounting for 65% share of the textile materials. In the production chain, polyester with PTA accounts for about 70% of the total, the remaining 25% of the bottles with 5% of the film with. Insiders pointed out that in 2010 there will be 13 million tons of PTA production capacity, but the demand for 17-18 million tons, the foreign dependency rate is still as high as 40 percent.

Hualian Holdings PTA a $ 2.4 billion project, Eastman patented technology in the worldwide application of the maximum capacity of the production line, far beyond the patented technology in the past 30 million tons of conventional capacity, its technological superiority is very prominent. Put into operation, a PTA product demand, production and marketing rate of 100%. PTA import dependence of more than 50%,short hair style s, in the industry monopoly of the company is to maximize share industry high degree of prosperity brought huge profits. Currently, 60 million tons of PTA project of the company two on October 7 successfully feeding trial production, two months ahead of the expected commitment to honor the company put into operation. The two projects using state-of-the-art technology, mature DuPont the PTA patented technology. The two put into operation allows the company to become the only company with two sets of world advanced PTA production technology PTA manufacturer, two plus one means a total of 1.2 million tons of annual production capacity, the company has become one of the largest domestic The PTA manufacturing base.

, PTA futures is expected to Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange listed this year, thus becoming the world's first such futures varieties, the the hedging function will guarantee the stability of the company profit.

the company's real estate business is its profit growth point for the future development of Hualian Real Estate, the company subsidiary in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places has five real estate companies, the development of Shenzhen Nanshan Hualian city Forest The project will provide a more stable source of profit for the next 2 to 3 years. In Shenzhen also has a land bank, which is the high cost of land SAR appreciation potential is extremely huge.


