
The LG Fashion HAZZYS the grand opening of the new conference

The LG Fashion HAZZYS the grand opening of the new conference

Do spirit of the nobility, looking for a new life

2010 12 18 the international line fashion brand HAZZYS Wuhuan Hotel Anshan negative layer of heaven and earth bar grand the holding of the 2010A / W fashion new conference. In the ever-changing fashion trends and people's lifestyle, HAZZYS emphasis on British tradition and honor, focusing ahead, the pursuit of the spirit of the challenge and the positive attitude to face life. Do spiritual nobility, perhaps not really rich, but enjoying life happy and active.

HAZZYS leisure brand is one of the biggest fashion group in Korea LG Fashion Group, which combines the color the LG Fashion has always been carefully cut and today's international fashion, giving the extraordinary feeling of pleasure. Among the first-line leisure brand for its high-quality products and unique market positioning. To enter China in 2007, the creation of a series of nearly stores in first-tier cities, will HAZZYS brand concept is clear and thorough interpretation of Chinese consumers.

in the conference, HAZZYS released CAMPUS ® CLASSIC, the four main themes of the the BIG SUR SCOUT, CARNABY STREET and CAMBRIDGE SKI CLUB fashion. During the meeting, designed to make the audience and media diversified chase With HAZZYS model figure, HAZZYS suddenly become the focus of the audience's warm applause and marvel.

the conference by Anshan renowned Moderator Jingjing served as master of ceremonies, the scene of the guests were HAZZYS regional deputy general manager of Ni Weifeng Mr. the Miss Gao Yingji,谷歌优化部落格, HAZZYS Korean headquarters design director, the good news Mr,百度快照优化博客. Li Rui, general manager of the birds Anshan area, it is learned that this be able to be invited are also appreciate HAZZYS conference that the business elite of the city of fashion, the scene carefully prepared good food and wine everywhere, filled warm smiles. In addition to the exciting runway shows remarkable, exciting sweepstakes is a bright spot, especially HAZZYS regional deputy general manager of Ni Weifeng Mr. the extracted first prize of humor, wit, impressive, finally, the award-winning members HAZZYS brand heartfelt blessing discourse to the conference to a climax!


Log Anshan the

HAZZYS fashion brand of high-level position in a casual fashion the perfect combination of the style of the British Institute of British retro style, I believe we will be well received by the fashion people who praised. HAZZYS at this time to enter the in Anshan, will become a of Frank cutting-edge new people.more article:

