
Condensed reform consensus, need to get back to the origin of the reform of renewal

More worrisome is, in today's China, when deng xiaoping's open and promote together with reform and opening-up of the old generation of reformers politicians have less and less. This batch of veteran cadre, which is the typical like still is still living, close to years of the old man, he is more than 30 years ago found and support fengyang XiaoGangCun "contract responsibility system" anhui provincial party committee secretary-mostly have a common experience: before liberation in party work, accept more pure communist education, experience after liberation wave after wave political movement, especially by the cultural revolution of the left line against, in the 80 s, a provincial important post central occupies an important position... Unfortunately gracefully.i don, with the passage of time, most of them have go away. I used to always say, the so-called "the home has a old, if there is a treasure", with in their body is again appropriate but. In China's particular still need to rely on authority under the political environment, they are the most powerful protectors of the reform and opening up, on the other hand,best sunglasses is also left the forces of the resurgence of the biggest obstacle when insurmountable. Relative to their qualifications, popularity, authority and its subordinates of political resources to reality, the current social those liberal strength is really small weak to be ignored it. According to the natural laws, as this batch of firm reform thinking of so-called "second generation", "third generation" veteran cadre have exit the stage of history, the next 10 to 15 years, in ten years spent in the cultural revolution to shape the outlook on life the most crucial adolescence of a new generation of (what is now more than fifty to sixty years old of that generation) at all levels shall command the leadership post. Because of the objective life experiences, their thinking mode in the most enduring red engraved seal. One of my best friends and commentators had bitterly said to me, the future of China's biggest worry is "the red guards in power". I'm here and not especially means a new generation of the social from all walks of life to the mainstream is elite get a set of cultural revolution left, but it is undeniable that their body that natural favour in sports, don't trust order and the rule of law, confident to society in the overall design and control mode of thinking and behavior at the moment is increasingly apparent when around social and political practice. Not only is the resurgence of the left, even if the content of the so-called make liberalization "reform", we also often see the operation mode of the "movement" trace. Since it is the history of the cause, then the potential danger, we also can look forward to the time to natural wash away it, but hope the process as soon as possible and gentle, the shorter the better. Now, let's get back to the current topic to face the reality. Although reform of the year had been broken or missing consensus, but on the other hand, almost all the social interest groups and acknowledge that today's development pattern is unsustainable, must change, despite the different interest groups claim of the direction of change and means vary widely. If the Chinese society still exist any consensus of words, this is probably the only consensus. Therefore, the plan for today, to restart the reform, it is first have to rally reform consensus. But to build consensus, it must break through the fog of interests and ideas, back to reform and open policy original starting point. This also be today we mark deng xiaoping raised "NaXun speech" practical significance. In other words, actually, we are not need something new concepts and theories, deng xiaoping in 20 years ago "southern talk" in those enough to guide our reform and opening up drive will continue, but now China has increasingly away from his point out those who have already been the history of the proof of profound insights. So, the real problem is not the one who could come to a new "southern talk", but we need always to renew the "south talk", to learn the power of progress. As the reform and open policy the "designer", by deng xiaoping contains infinitely great change the meaning of the rich. But if investigate its core, we think, essence is roughly the following two points: first, in principle stratification plane, reform the ultimate goal is to liberate the productive forces, it is a continuously explore and try wrong process, there is no planned perfect blueprint, also not constrained to any ideological purity, as long as in the direction to the country and the people, people, and can do. The so-called "touch momentum across the river," "bold, bold, try try no big deal break again back", "whether white hair black cat, catch mice are good cat"............. Refer to what is this meaning. Second, in the operational level, the reform of the most depends largely on the folk spontaneous creativity, it is of bottom-up, should respect the people created the good life of passion and wisdom, allow and encourage people to promote change. This actually means that reform is a top-down constantly decentralization and decentralization of the process. In this sense, and not all change the status quo is reform measures, today's ubiquitous in the reform of the government at all levels under the banner line right and centralization of the reality of the act, in essence is the reform. Indeed, in "NaXun" after 20 years, we have to face the task of reform and opening up, may be more difficult than the 20 years ago and heavy, the problems need to be solved and more complex and diverse, but I think that the aim of reform and does not change, only continued to follow the above two guiding ideology, to be able to lead the Chinese social success came out of the current fronts, to even greater success. What be worth to be carried particularly is,nfl hats I'm afraid that no one can deny that China's future ruling collective will not have that year deng xiaoping generation as leader of the authority, which is caused by the objective history, its itself is also promoting economic reform and opening of the result of the social change. And in this basic political premise, rely on the people's power (rather than individual great man or strongmen) drive the next process of reform and opening up and social change, are the only true way. As the reform and open policy the "designer", deng xiaoping almost no "design" or "planning" any specific reform policies, with deep love to the people of China and from dozens of years to ups and downs of the political career of human nature of concluded a profound insight, he knows, only let each person in society from the bondage of the national political maximum break out, free land according to their ideal to pursue their own the good life, the nation will have real future.Specifically, deng xiaoping did was bit by bit deregulation just, let common people with human nature for a better life in the instinct of the yearning and each individual wisdom and ability to the situation, attempts to try. He is in the most watched, if people innovations will work, he strongly; It won't work, or may cause great unfavorable factors, he firmly put a stop to it. This is my understanding of so-called "stepping stones across the river" is about. 30 years, we found that people can't do in the past, now many can do. Just because this, China has undergone earth-shaking changes, the truth so simple. Of course, there are many completely should be able to do, in fact, she still can't do, or do it troublesome to, this is to further advance the reform and opening up of the reason. Reform of the most need, is still "relax". The plain truth, shall be for a long time in the 21 st century China indicates the way forward.

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