
Hu shi is mistake "communism" translated into "communist"?

The abstract choose self new book, the spirit of capitalism and socialism reform "P37-41 in 1825, was called early Engels" utopia communism "of the British philanthropist Robert? Owen reference Engels work the socialist from utopia to the development of science "in the Robert? Owen's a history. In the work, Engels mentioned the "OuWenShi communist," Engels affirmed the achievements of Owen, and he called early "utopia communism" person. (RobertOwen, 1771-1858) in the United States indiana created a commune, and he gave the commune had taken out of the name was called "the new harmony" (NewHarmony). So, the first American "of the communist party of utopia" and to establish a new target for the harmonious society. This amazing historical facts cannot help to make us to "commune" (commune) and "communist" (communism) think, these two words of French corresponding word is "commune" and "communisme". In English and French, they all and "community" (community/communite) a word relates in together, that is the "harmonious society" and not neutral society.best sunglasses For example, in English, one of the harassment noisy neighbors, and not in the neighborhood activities, or will not produce a neighborhood facilities for force, such people are thought to be lack of "community spirit" (communityspirit), so the community the word contains harmonious mean inside. After world war two, some European politicians for the two massacre are shocked, and established the European economic community (the European Community, EuropeanCommunity), the clear goal is the European construction into a there won't be a third world war of a harmonious home. In fact, in the sense of law only with collective ownership (collectiveownership) relevant organizations will just said his organization for a "collective" (collective), and won't seek and words "commune" and its incidental community harmony have what contact. Marx learn this, so in the communist manifesto, he wrote, medieval bourgeoisie has established autonomous commune. Please the readers attention, bourgeois advocate private ownership, and this is the spirit of the collective ownership are at opposite poles. So Marx in the middle ages when the bourgeoisie mentioned, said they formed a commune, this suggests that for Marx's words, "commune" never means that "collective ownership" or "communist", the evidence a direct challenge to the "communism" be translated as "communist" traditional claim. Asset class every step and the development of the class in the politics of the progress are inseparable. In a feudal aristocracy oppression class, a heavily armed, self-government of medieval commune alliance: here refers to the independent city republics (as Italy and Germany established communities); In the feudal monarchy by compulsory pay taxes under the "civilian class" of (as France)...... Eachstepinthedevelopmentofthebourgeoisiewasaccompaniedbyacorrespondingpoliticaladvanceinthatclass. Anoppressedclassundertheswayofthefeudalnobility, anarmedandself-governingassociationofmedievalcommune: hereindependenturbanrepublic (asinItalyandGermany); Theretaxable "thirdestate" ofthemonarchy (asinFrance)... In fact, the first call "community" of the organization is the medieval Italian and French some city group, of course, this does not mean these cities have the citizen common property, but reflects how citizens will they itself as a community, or is a harmonious society Engels have noticed these facts, so he in the manifesto of the communist party of a wrote in the footnotes--" this is Italian and French citizens from feudal lords hand after they get autonomy of city groups of the name. [Engels: 1880 German version]... 'commune' is French some new town, even before the name in their feudal lords conquer before with the name............" [Engels: 1888 English edition]. France's first call "commune" political organization, the 1789 years of French revolution broke out in Paris commune organization-as such. At the time of the French revolution slogan is "liberty, equality, and fraternity" (Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite), this slogan blood brother relationship or family extends to the whole society harmonious. In 1870 the first founded in Paris "communist" should also use the "liberty, equality, and fraternity" slogan.cheap new era hats Marx's daughter Jenny (Jenny) had joined the "communist", return almost killed in the violence. In 1921, hu shi "communism" translated into "communist". I want to know why he will make this translation errors because "communist" the translation word no point, the meaning of the harmonious. I think the main reason is because at the time of the Soviet union "communist" in the revolution and MengShenWeiKe down the czar's regime, and drive after foreign invaders, is on a large scale public private property. Based on the Soviet union a drastic historical background, so hu shi selected the "communist" the word "communism" as an English translation. But "communist" this word completely ignore social harmonious side, and harmony is English "communis

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